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Showing posts with label LIFESTYLE & HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIFESTYLE & HEALTH. Show all posts

NDINDA: Do's for this rainy season


The rainy season is already here with us and most of us are finding themselves trapped because of the rains. Ever found yourself in a position where you were on a work trip on and then the rain gets you caught up? However, we can overcome all this by making sure that we are prepared for such a situation. Below are some of the must-haves, most especially when the weather changes.

Carrying umbrellas during rainy season helps avoid being soaked by the cold water from above. Photo/COURTESY

Rain coats. They have become so much common and they've got a material that makes them easily portable. Pack one and carry it along when going out as there is so much uncertainty with the weather.

Rain coats are big in size thus making them so easy for you to wear on top of your clothes. This even adds up to warmth. 

Having a mosquito repellent. As we all know, during the rainy season, mosquitoes tend breed. Their increase in number could make us so much uncomfortable because of the biting. This could be while at work or while traveling. Remember to have a repellent just to avoid the discomfort. 

Have an alternative source of power. Most times, power outage tends to occur during the rainy season which in turn could make it so difficult to use different electronic devices most especially, our phones. To be on the safe side, have an alternative power source such a solar power for lighting and may be a power bank for charging your device. 

Have a convenient footwear. Our shoes tend to tear up during this season because of frequent wash as a result of mud. Rain boots may sound a little bit out of fashion but trust you me, you need them. You could put them on and don your choice of footwear, then once you get to work or your destination, you can now go ahead and change. This type of foot wear is very much favourable when strolling through mud and it does get affected by tear easily.

Carry an umbrella. Most of us ignore or rather forget to pack an umbrella just in case. Our men actually aren't so good at this. Umbrellas have come in a portable shape making it easier to be packed and also aiding in making sure that you do not forget it wherever you place it.

Finally, for our ladies, make sure you have a shower cap on your handbag. You don't want to undo your hair when it hasn't given you the service you highly hoped for or even get your wig out of order.

It's my hope that you find these tips useful. No matter the season, remember Trendy And Classy is our order of the day. 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.


NDINDA: How to fight anxiety


There are situations that will get you such feeling so anxious. We've all had such a feeling and especially when we are about to handle a certain situation such a job interview, address a crowd or even when you are going to meet your partner's family. 

Seek medical help if ways of dealing with anxiety listed here do not help in addressing it. Photo/COURTESY

We experience butterflies in our stomach, sweaty hands, shaking and even to an extent where we can even have a running stomach. All this come as a result of the unrest. This is a natural way of your bodies to respond to stress or some discomfort.

 Anxiety might seem like a minor issue but trust you me, it's an issue that we all need to deal with. Below are some of the steps we can follow whenever we find ourselves in such circumstances. 

Take a deep breath. This will help you calm down and relax. Remember, whenever you are anxious, your heart rate speeds up. Breathing in and out helps calm your heart beating rate. This works out magic. 

Try aromatherapy. This is the use of good scents such as roses or lavender or even oil. Inhaling such triggers certain hormones in your brain that magically help you to relax. 

Get enough sleep. Anxiety can make you lose sleep since you are overwhelmed. Try to catch some good sleep. This helps relax your brain thus calming you down. Make sure you don't have any distractions. Let the room be so peaceful. 

Use of stress management skills. This could include jogging, a walk or even doing some yoga. This help in distracting you from thinking about the same situation over and over again. 

If you feel like the situation gets out of, seek some medical advice from a health specialist. Let the doctor prescribe the best medication for the condition before it gets out of hand. Don't let anxiety weigh you down. It's easy to deal with it and it can be controlled. Stay Healthy, always. 

 The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Tips on how to arrange an Easter party


Good Friday good people and Happy Easter Holiday. I really hope everything is going so well for you, and at least this particular time. 

Step out this Easter holiday looking all elegant, Trendy and Classy. Photo/FILE

I'm pretty sure that most of us got plans here and there. Could be traveling for a vacay, having a get together with family and friends or even arranging a small celebration at work. For those who have not yet planned on anything because of one reason or the other, worry not. Trendy and Classy got some tips for you on how to arrange something during this season. We are here just to make sure that you are not left out.

Firstly, make sure you have a budget. This helps you to ensure that you don't overspend, and especially during these tough economic times. Plan on the amount of money you want to spend and make sure not to include too much that may not be required.

Decorate your home. This helps in setting the mood. You see, whenever there is a holiday celebration, we all need to feel the vibe. Such preparations help in doing this. You don't have to break the bank to see this come through. You could visit some few YouTube channels that could give you some do-it-yourself tips on how to decorate your home with some few simple steps and end up making a great deal.

Go hiking

Plan some activities both indoor and outdoor. This helps in making sure that everyone gets to have some fun. You could do some Tik Tok challenges, take photos or even play a game like Truth or Dare. It couldn't get funnier than this. For outdoor, you could go hiking, swimming, skating, mountain climbing and any other outdoor fun activity. 

Get in touch with those far. Not everyone of us will get the chance to travel and be with their loved ones who are far away. You could organize for some video calls. This will make you feel like you have those family members or friends just with you there. 

You could go an extra mile and celebrate with the less fortunate. They could be those at the streets or even at the children's home. This will leave you feeling so much good because you have made someone smile. Let them feel loved, just like Christ loved us. 

I just hope that you will enjoy your Easter holiday. I want to wish you all an amazing one and let the season have a great impact on our lives. Don't forget to step out looking all elegant, Trendy and Classy. It's a wrap for today guys. Till our next episode, be safe.

 The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Simple home remedies in dealing with acne


Hello our dear esteemed readers. First of all, let me thank you for finding time to read our articles. Feel appreciated. Stay Healthy Column is here for another informative episode. 

Acne causes the skin to have pores and there are simple ways in dealing with that as our writer says. Photo/FILE

Our topic today will help us know how to deal with acne. To start with, acne is a skin condition that's affecting a large number of people. There are so many suggestions on how to go about managing acne. The main cause of this problem comes in when the skin pores clog with oil and dead cells. Below are some of the simple home remedies that we can try so as to reduce the spread of acne.

Use of honey and cinnamon. These two make a great face mask. Mix them up well, to produce a paste. Cleanse your face, then apply the paste. Let it sit in for between 10-15minutes. Thereafter, wash your face and let it dry. You could try out with some small portion and see how your skin reacts to it.

Use of aloe vera. It has had so many useful functions especially mostly on our skin. It's used to treat inflammation, burns, wounds and rashes. It is very simple to use aloe vera. Extract the gel and apply it directly to your skin. Give it 5-10minutes then wash it off. The number of usage times in a day will depend on the results.

Reduce stress. Stress is another cause of acne. I know that you are wondering how stress causes acne. You see, when we are stressed out, we tend to do even the undesired. You could be biting your nails or even touching your skin more often. Now, the frequency of doing this, could lead you to picking some small spots on your face which could lead to spread of bacteria thus causing acne. You could keep yourself busy by trying out new activities or even get a nap. Resist touching your face as much as you can.

Limit the use of makeup. Make up items contain chemicals that can be harsh to our skin. Some block the skin pores and as a result we develop acne. Just be careful with the kind of products that you use on your skin and how frequently you do so. 

The last and not the least is avoiding popping pimples. It's a habit that most of us can't seem to stop. Popping these pimples produces blood which in return clogs the skin pores.

I really hope that you find this article as useful as you have always done. Stay Healthy. Always 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.


NDINDA: Steps to take in dealing with Insomnia


Hello our dear esteemed readers. It's been a minute. On our today's episode, Stay Healthy will take you through a very important issue affecting us. Let's talk about how to manage and deal with insomnia. 

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder caused by a number of factors like work shifts, smoking and caffeine. Photo/COURTESY

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder or rather the inability to sleep. Insomnia could be caused by a number of factors such as change of shifts in work, smoking and caffeine intake before bed.

It may not seem like a big deal not to get enough sleep but it should worry you. Our bodies need rest so just to wake up feeling all good for the next day or task. How do we manage insomnia though? Here are some of the points that we should consider.

(a)Make sure your bed is comfortable. Some good sleep needs a very comfortable place that gives our bodies enough rest. Some of us can't sleep without a pillow while others don't prefer pillows. Make your bed as comfortable as you like. The comfort itself will get you sleeping unknowingly.

Sleeping Routine

(b)Maintain a sleeping routine. Stick to a sleeping schedule so just to make sure that you adapt to a certain routine. This will make sure that your body gets enough rest once it's time.

(c)Avoid large meals to bedtime. Large meals intake before sleep, makes digestion take too much time thus causing some discomfort. It's really hard catching some sleep when we have something causing discomfort. You could think of taking these meals in the morning since you'll need that energy to keep you going throughout the day.

(d)Avoid or limit the intake of caffeine before bed time. Most of us like drinking coffee before going to bed. Caffeine keeps us so much awake thus not having to rest for the required time to rest.

(e)Relax before bed time. This ensures that you don't go to bed while still feeling so tired. Once you have relaxed, you could proceed to bed and catch some sleep. You could do a warm water bath or listen to some soft music.

(f)Avoid or quit smoking. Cigars contain nicotine which is a stimulant. People who smoke find it hard to sleep and whenever they do, they wake up frequently thus making them have a sleeping disorder.

(g)Do some exercise. Yoga, swimming, jogging could help relieve some stress and relax your mind. Remember, sleep is as well controlled by the brain.

(h)Lastly, make sure your sleeping environment is very conducive. Avoid noise, light or disruptions while sleeping. Some cool place will guarantee you a good day or night sleep.

I really hope that these tips will help improve your sleeping patterns, for a healthy lifestyle. Till next time for our episode, enjoy our articles and be safe.

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Factors to consider when going for shopping


Yaay! A relief. Friday is here with us for quite another episode. Today is all about shopping. Who does not like shopping, especially the ladies? Shopping is a big part of our lifestyle. 

A lady does shopping for clothes. Photo/COURTESY

You could be going to shop for foodstuff, clothes, shoes, baby stuff, electronics or even furniture. Due to our difference in tastes and preferences, we go shopping in different places. What exactly do you consider when choosing what and where to shop? Well, let's take a look at what we should consider when going for shopping.

Firstly, know the difference between need and want. This tip will help you to decide what to pick first and what to budget for during the next visit. It also helps you to make sure that you don't spend too much on things that could wait.

Check out on the costs. Product price makes sure that you save the right amount for the product in plan. There is nothing more disappointing than choosing a product but once the price is mentioned, you have to go back home and come back later or even start asking people for cash they had not budgeted for. You could do this by taking a walk and doing some window shopping. 

Have a plan and a budget. We are so much into impulse buying thus spending extra money which was not initially on the plan. Stick to the plan just so to make sure you avoid debts. Practice restraint!

Avoid the purchase of unnecessary or extra things. If you already have several pair of shoes or even a cooker, why would you need to buy an extra one or an even more expensive one? If what you have is serving you well, focus on other things and saving as well.

Ask yourself questions like 'how long will the product serve you, how useful is it? Don't just buy items to fill the house or may be because you saw a friend with such.

Saving up is one the hardest things to do. Shop when and what is necessary. Have yourselves a lovely weekend ahead. Trendy and Classy, always! 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Healthy uses of honey


Stay Healthy Column is here once again for another interesting episode. Our today's topic is all about honey. Honey has been useful since the ancient times and its uses are still valued even in this century.

Honey has immense health benefits ranging from helping in blood sugar regulation to improving the blood circulation. If you have problems falling asleep at night, try it too. Photo/COURTESY

It has been known to have so many uses and most especially health-wise. Honey is readily available and thus making it easier to use especially as a home remedy. Let's look at how we can use the honey stored at home. The use of honey has the following benefits.

(a)Honey can be used to reduce the severity of flu and colds. This works perfectly well when mixed with lemon or citrus syrups. Honey soothes the throat and also get rid of any bacteria present. Both of these ingredients are readily available, so don't allow flu or cold make you so sick when you have honey.

(b)It also aids in blood sugar level regulation. Honey has insulin which in return decreases hyperglycemia. Try a little amount, and see how your levels react to it. 

©Helps in restoring sleep. At some point, we all have had trouble sleeping. The use of milk could help you sleep since it has melatonin. To make it even more effective, add a teaspoon of honey. You'll have a very peaceful night sleep. 

(d)Weight management. Honey has natural sugars. You could think of replacing the processed sugars with honey to help control your body weight. 

(e)Improves blood circulation. Honey aids in an effective brain functioning and blood circulation. This in return strengthens your heart thus making its function great.

(f)Nausea relief. Mixing honey with ginger and lemon helps regulate the feeling of nausea. It's a feeling that can bring along so much discomfort.

These are just but a few of the uses of honey. Having a tin of honey can be an excellent idea. Have a teaspoon in a day. You'll be aiding your health in so many positive ways that you might not be able to recognize.

I really hope you enjoy our articles. Till next time for our next episode, be safe. 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: How to make your nails stand out


Nails are part of what makes us stand out. Some of us are too way keen on how we treat our nails by getting pedicure and manicure done, while others, well it's the least of their worries. 

Short natural nails with gel polish. Photo/COURTESY

It's so hard to avoid well maintained nails. You would even go an extra mile and enquire the technique to having such cute nails. Well, today we focus on how we can make our nails a part of what makes us stand out, always.

First and foremost, keep your nails clean and dry. This helps in preventing the growth of bacteria due to dirt. When handling things that could transmit germs or even chemicals, make a point of wearing gloves.

Secondly, maintain a good nail hygiene. I know that nail biting is a habit that has been so hard for us to stop. This really damages our nails, making them look so ugly and unattractive. Whenever you want to shorten your nails make sure you use the correct tools when trimming down your nails.

Additionally, avoid picking on the cuticles. Cuticles overgrow and they don't look so good. Some of us use sharp objects, which could be dangerous. Make sure to use a cuticle remover or get assistance from a nail technician.

Finally, use the right products. This could include nail polish and removers. Do not just use a product that you are not sure of. Do a thorough research and consult.

Furthermore, you might want to consult a doctor when you notice the following on your nails;

·         Colour change on your nails

·         Change in shape

·         Swelling or painful nail edges

·         Thinning or thickening of the nails.

I really hope that this article helps us to change our nail routine, for a glow. Trendy and Classy wishes you a lovely weekend full of elegance and style. 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: How to preserve your jewellery from rusting and tarnishing


It's a feel-good Friday, and yes, the vibe is all over and we are all excited. We always can't wait for the weekend just to go out and feel good after all the stressful working week. I am sure that we all have a piece or two of jewellery that we value the most because of one reason or the other.

A Kenya map pendant necklace.  Jewelleries are supposed to be stored in a cool, clean and dry place. Photo/COURTESY

May be someone gifted you something nice and pricey but you don't know how to keep it so new, clean and sparkling all the time. Today, we look at how we can preserve our pieces from rusting and tarnishing.

The very first step to consider is making sure that you have a jewellery storage box. Avoid mixing jewellery of different material all together. Also ensure that the box has separated spaces just so to make sure that every piece has its own space. Most importantly, ensure the box has a soft lining inside. This will prevent your pieces from reacting.

Secondly, check out on the storage environment. Jewelleries are made from metals which mostly tend to react once exposed to too much light or moisture. Avoid high temperatures and also high humid areas. Instead, consider cool, clean and dry places.

Additionally, avoid wearing jewellery when swimming, mixing chemicals, cooking or even while in the gym. Use them for special and specific type of events.


Cleaning your jewellery before storage is very important. These pieces come into contact with sweat while we are wearing them, and this can make them change their colour thus making them look too old and unattractive. While cleaning them, use warm water, liquid soap and a soft brush in a bowl. After wash, dry them thoroughly before storage.

Lastly, ensure that jewelleries are the last things you wear. This is because they could react with your perfume, make up, body lotion in use. Touch up everything then let your piece be the last thing to wear.

Dear reader, I hope that you find this article worth reading and useful. Ensure that your pieces look as new as how they did when you were purchasing them. Step out looking all Trendy and Classy. 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Keeping our eyes healthy


Happy new month our dear esteemed readers! Welcome to yet another episode of our Stay Healthy column. Today we are going to take a look at how we can maintain a great eye health all day long. 

Wearing a specialist-recommended glasses is one way of taking care of your eyes. Photo/COURTESY

Providing a good environment for our eyes is key since our eyes aid in our vision while we live. According to a research report done by National Eye Health Strategic Plan (2020-2025), 2.2Billion people globally have a vision impairment or blindness while an estimated 15.5 per cent of Kenyans need quality eye care. See the seriousness? Please do not take your eye care for granted. Our eyes need care and check up like any other part of the body.

The very first important tip is making sure that we all eat well and healthy. Eating a balanced diet aids a lot in making sure that our health is well guaranteed. Consider foods with Omega-3 such as fish, Vitamin C and R and vegetables such as spinach and kales.

In one of our episodes, we talked about the nutritious value of doing vegetables. Remember? We still insist on the same.

Secondly, avoid too much light. This could be coming from your phone or computer. Too long sitting hours could cause eye strain among other health related issues such as back pain, headaches and blurred vision. Limit the hours that you spend in front of your machine.


Visit an eye doctor. A regular visit to an ophthalmologist could be very healthy so that your eyes can get diagnosed and if there is any issue, it is resolved early enough to avoid future health complications.

Try eye glasses. Get the right pair of sun glasses that will protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays. Such rays accelerate the chances of cataracts, which in return cause eye problems. Get these pairs of glasses from a specialist. I am sure you don't want to purchase something that you aren't sure of. Quality first.

Dear reader, do not ignore all those eye problems. Could be red and itchy eyes. It all starts somewhere. This could be a sign that you need an eye check up. Any products used for your eyes should be a recommended one by a specialist. Better eye care, for a better tomorrow. Stay Healthy. Always! 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

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