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NDINDA: Factors to consider when going for shopping


Yaay! A relief. Friday is here with us for quite another episode. Today is all about shopping. Who does not like shopping, especially the ladies? Shopping is a big part of our lifestyle. 

A lady does shopping for clothes. Photo/COURTESY

You could be going to shop for foodstuff, clothes, shoes, baby stuff, electronics or even furniture. Due to our difference in tastes and preferences, we go shopping in different places. What exactly do you consider when choosing what and where to shop? Well, let's take a look at what we should consider when going for shopping.

Firstly, know the difference between need and want. This tip will help you to decide what to pick first and what to budget for during the next visit. It also helps you to make sure that you don't spend too much on things that could wait.

Check out on the costs. Product price makes sure that you save the right amount for the product in plan. There is nothing more disappointing than choosing a product but once the price is mentioned, you have to go back home and come back later or even start asking people for cash they had not budgeted for. You could do this by taking a walk and doing some window shopping. 

Have a plan and a budget. We are so much into impulse buying thus spending extra money which was not initially on the plan. Stick to the plan just so to make sure you avoid debts. Practice restraint!

Avoid the purchase of unnecessary or extra things. If you already have several pair of shoes or even a cooker, why would you need to buy an extra one or an even more expensive one? If what you have is serving you well, focus on other things and saving as well.

Ask yourself questions like 'how long will the product serve you, how useful is it? Don't just buy items to fill the house or may be because you saw a friend with such.

Saving up is one the hardest things to do. Shop when and what is necessary. Have yourselves a lovely weekend ahead. Trendy and Classy, always! 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

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