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Showing posts with label LIFESTYLE & HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIFESTYLE & HEALTH. Show all posts

NDINDA: Skin Care- Sun Protect


Hello good people.. I'm so glad to be here for quite another episode when we get to meet again and talk about how we can get to take good care of ourselves. We've always been encouraged to always put ourselves first and yes, that's the goal here at MWINGI TIMES in our column.
Let us all love ourselves in skincare./FILE

Well, the sun has been literally just slightly above our heads and ,huh, it's really burning up. You say hi to someone and the next thing they say is how hot it is. It might have gotten so hot until we forget that we need to keep on ties with the heat on our skin. We are all sweating and burning up. I want to share some tips with you on how to take care of your skin.

Starting us off, is the use of a sunscreen. Now, this should be your BFF. When many of us hear the mention of a sunscreen, they tend to think that this are products for rich people. This is not the case. These products come in different varieties and so are their prices. And again it does not mean that if it's cheap , it's a bad one. The most important thing to consider is your skin type. This will help you to choose the right product. A sunscreen should be applied often because of the constant heat.

Hydrate a lot. Take water like there's no tomorrow. If there is one thing that you'll be told many times especially by professionals in the field of medicine , is to hydrate. Water should be the next close thing to you. Water plays a key role in most of the metabolic processes in our bodies. When it's so heat, our bodies tend to lose heat through various ways like sweating. You should drink water as twice as you loosing it. Replace that lost water.

Engage in activities like swimming. Huh, I know this sounds so refreshing already. Let your body cool off and you can make the whole process fun. Take a long your friends and go for swimming sessions. By the time you're done , you'll feel so new.

Refreshing shower. At the end of the day, make sure you take a shower. This opens up the skin pores thus allowing your skin to breath. A cold water bath would make one feel so brand new.

Have a lip moisturizer . Now, if there is a part that we tend to ignore, is the lips. We lick our lips from time to time this causing them to so dehydrate. 

Having a lip balm or even Vaseline. Keep on touching your lips with the balm or some jelly. At least don't let your lips look so tired. They make your face not look so good.

These tips apply to both male and female genders. We are hit by the sun equally. Let us all love ourselves. This love will be depicted on how well you take good care of your skin. If you aren't doing this, it's time. 

I hope you all find this useful. Till next time , take good care of yourself and stay safe.

The writer, FAITH NDINDA, is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters

NDINDA: Keeping our white clothes white


Hello to everybody. I hope that you have been doing great and keeping safe as well. It's been a minute but well we are back for our very favourite segment of Trendy and Classy

Always ensure that you soak in your clothes before washing them.

As we all know, the rainy season is here with us and we are grateful for it. There is always a lot of mud during this time and it might be a challenge putting on white clothes because of muddy stains here and there. Today I want us to talk about how we can put on our fancy white-coloured clothes and still maintain the spark.

Firstly, always ensure that you soak in your white clothes before washing them. This helps in ensuring that the stain soak off for an easy wash. Stains can be a pain especially with our coloured clothes. They can even make us never wear our favourite piece. I always want you to step out looking all great with so much confidence.

Separate white clothes from coloured ones. This one will help in making sure that in case you have a clothe that fades colour, it doesn't affect your white piece. Just like I had mentioned above, stains can be quite stubborn and some are permanent. Once your white garment stains with another colour, it might be so hard to change the colour to the original one. Sort out your dirty laundry before washing.

Treat stains as they happen. Our major focus especially with coloured clothes is stain. We all have done this before. You realize that you've stained your clothe, you'll rush to wiping it so that it won't be so hard when washing or even become a permanent one. Once the stain happens and you are in a position to soak it immediately, do so.

If not, make sure that when you get home, you get it soaked. Remember that we've said soaking in your clothes makes the washing so easy.

Dry the clothes outdoor. There is always a myth that the sun makes white clothes whiter. I don't know how true this is but then there is always a spark on our clothes once outside on the sun. They also get dry so fast considering there is also wind. So at least your clothes don't have to spend a day and a night on the cloth line.

This point is so crucial. Most of us don't check the cleanliness of our hanging lines. Most times our cloth lines are not in a clean state due to dust. Make sure you wipe your lines before hanging so that you can be sure that your clothes will be hanging on a very clean line.

Avoid wearing your white-coloured clothes more than once. You might be tempted to think that you've only worn the top, or trouser or even vest once so it's not dirty. You fold it and take it back to the closet.

Dirt does not always have to look so intense for a cloth or shoes to be washed. For the dull coloured outfits, this may be ruled out because of they are fade in colour.

For the bright coloured ones, there need to wash them after every wear to avoid change in colour.

Do a rinse cycle. Stains can be obtained from not well rinsed clothes. Make sure you always do a good rinse cycle to make sure that the water is not coloured. Our clothes take in the dirt from the water we rinse from but it'll reflect once the cloth dries.

You also need to ensure that your washing troughs are washed before you commence on the laundry process. Where you get your water from should be a clean source as well.

DEAR esteemed reader, these tips will come a great way for you to make sure you don't keep on hiding that stain or even stop wearing your favourite piece. Step out in confidence and own that look. Always remember step out looking ALL Trendy and Classy.

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: How to manage your dry skin


Hello good people. Let me hope that you are keeping warm during this cold weather. You'll need to warm up because this kind of weather comes along with a lot of issues and one of them is dry skin.

 Applying a petroleum jelly on the skin helps make it soft and protected. Photo/FILE

 You'll realize due to the type of season that we are in, your skin tends to feel dry hence you have to keep on moisturizing it from time to time. I want to share with you some of the tips that you can use to make sure your skin looks hydrated no matter the condition of the weather.

Use of aloe vera. This product has proven to be of so much use in different ways. Application of aloe vera gel on our skin and covering it with gloves and/socks for overnight can be quite a sure remedy.

Application of petroleum jelly. All jellies have an effect especially on our skin because of their soft nature. Make sure that you use a jelly after bath so that you moisturize your skin.

Coconut oil - This has been used since time and it's uses haven't been yet exhausted. This oil contains fatty acids that act as moisturizers and significantly improve skin hydration.

Avoid allergens and skin irritants. Stay away from products that have had a side effect on your skin. Not every product you see out here is safe for your skin. What's safe for someone else, is not always safe for you. Know your skin type and do a thorough research on the products that suit your skin type.

Get enough sleep. Sleep rejuvenates skin in an immense way. Make sure that you get enough rest. Sleep is very essential in maintaining our health and also our skin.

Try an avocado face mask. Try mixing avocado with honey to make a thick smooth paste. Apply it on the dry skin and let it sink for 15 minutes. There after wash it with warm water and pat dry for best results. This is for once or twice a week depending on the magnitude of dryness.

We've got to glow no matter the weather. Try out these results and achieve the skin that lets you shine and glow. Stay Healthy, always.

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.


NDINDA: Adding up elegance to Black


I'm pretty sure that we all have a black coloured garment in our closet. It could be a shirt, pants, a top or even a little black dress. 

Try black today and you won't be disappointed by its elegance. Photo/FILE

Black is a colour that comes along any day, any time is especially when you do not know what you put on or even when you want to blend in with some other bright colours.

Have you ever put on or thought of putting on all black but did not know how to add some elegance to it? Well, worry not. We'll spice up everything for you. When going for black, below are some of the tips to consider.

Consider doing scarfs. In one of our articles, we talked about the most essential things in our closets and scarfs was among them. See how they come in now? Well, a scarf brings in some style and a great sense of fashion. If possible, have different colours and types of scarfs.

Accessorize. Accessories will never go whichever day. You could do a bangle or a watch, do a chain or a neck piece. A traditional accessory would go a long way in making sure that you carry the day.

Put on some jacket. A denim jacket will always carry the day. You could decide to stick to one bright colour or do a blend. It could be a sleeveless jacket or a long sleeved one. You can be sure that you'll be looking all great.

Try out some different types of shoes. A little black dress would do with boots, could be ankle length or knee length, sneakers rubbers or even sandals. You could also try out some stilettos or some chunky heels.

Keep it classy and casual. All this will go so well if you kept it casual. You could do a nice sassy handbag or even a clutch bag just to add taste to it all.

Add some little bit of Ankara. You could have your piece customized with Ankara. There is no better way to bring out the Ankara pieces than blending it with black.

Any day, any time Black will always work out for you. Try black and you won't be disappointed. Remember to always keep it Elegant, classy and sassy. 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Relieving a Cough


We are at that particular moment in season when it's so cold. This season comes with so many issues such as coughing, sneezing and endless colds. 

It is once again the cold season of the year and we need to stay warm and fresh. One way of doing so is by fighting coughing. Photo/FILE

A day could start with so much cold and make us end up putting on our sweaters and scarfs all day long. Despite keeping all this warm, we could still end up catching a cold. I want to come through for you and educate you on some ways that could help you relieve a cough.

For starters, make sure you have a warm beverage. This will help in making sure that you curb the cold feeling. The warmth will help in opening up your nostrils and help with the breathing.

Secondly, try a salty water gargle. Mix warm water with salt and stir until the salt dissolves. Let it settle then gargle. You could try this several times in a day. This mixture helps you to lessen a cough since it reduces phlegm and mucus.

Use of honey. Honey has been one of the most important items in our homesteads. Try mixing honey with warm water and add some lemon juice. This mixture will help breaking down the mucus and soothe the throat.

Try out steam inhalation. This will basically involve boiling water and putting it in a basin. Cover yourself and the basin then inhale the steam for between 2-3 minutes. This will help open up your nostrils. Repeat the procedure even twice a day.

Lastly, you also need to avoid environments that have common irritants such as smoke, perfume, pet hair. They accelerate the rate of sneezing and coughing. Try to cover your mouth while coughing to avoid spreading it to others.

We may not be able to evade a cough but we can relieve it. Remember the goal is to always Stay Healthy. 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Making our sitting rooms elegant


Hello dear esteemed readers! Its yet another day and moment where we get to meet through our column. In our last publication, we looked at how we can easily make our bedroom stunning. Today we are going to take a look at how we can improve our sitting room.


A decorated living room.  Cleaning and arranging your sitting room makes it tidy to live in. Photo/COURTESY

This room is what everyone sees when they set their foot in any household. We all want to have everything in place but sometimes we have too many items thus making it a little bit difficult to arrange everything in place. Below are some of the tips that we all need to try out.

Make sure that the place is clean. Any clean place or property is always appealing to the eye. Besides arranging your stuff, make sure that the room is clean.

The second important point to note is to make sure that all electrical appliances are arranged in one place. This will help in ensuring that all the cables and electrical wires are all in one place to avoid cables all over. This will come a long way especially if you have children since they are all over the place up and down. 

Add some colour. This could range from carpet to your throw pillows and curtains. This makes the place look lively and lovely. Although not everyone of us likes all those shouting colours, try to blend some of your favourite colours just to bring in some life into the room. 

Minimize the rarely used stuff. Don't overload your space with unused or rarely used items. Put them together and find some safe place to store them. Remember you might need them someday. 

Have drawers. This will help you in storing items of the same category together and avoid looking for them over time. It also brings in some sense of being organized. You could hang your pictures, paintings on the wall to maximize on space. 

Have some scented perfumes around. Anyone would want to hang around a nice smelling place. Make your visitors want to stay a little bit longer. Let the scent attract them to wanting to spend an extra minute.

Also ensure that your room is well aerated by opening the windows. 

Frequently do some dusting around. Make sure your items are very clean by doing frequent cleaning and dusting off. 

I really hope that the above tips will help restore the beauty of your room. Remember, it has to elegant, Trendy and Classy! 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

Low uptake of contraceptives uses among youth in Kitui

 There is relatively low uptake of contraceptives use among adolescents and youths in Kitui county. According to PMA KENYA organization, about 10 per cent of adolescents are using modern contraceptives methods in the county.

PMA KENYA has released findings showing that about 10 % of adolescents and youths in Kitui County have access to modern contraceptives. Photo/COURTESY

The report goes on to say that only 8 per cent of adolescents and young women were using contraception by age 18. Yet, 57 per cent of them have had first sex by age 18, signalling possibility of unintended pregnancies.

However, there was low response in terms of cases of early marriages as 8 per cent of teens and young women were married by age 18, which is the legal age to be an adult in Kenya.


NDINDA: Managing flu


The current weather situation does not seem to be taking some of us along so well. No matter how hard we are all trying to keep warm, in some way, cold is always finding a way out to hit us. I would like to share with you some tips on how you can manage such, just so to avoid being weighed down.

Flu is a discomfort that many people fight during cold seasons. We have suggested solutions to fight flu in this piece. Photo/FILE

Stay hydrated. Make sure you have water, juice, or even some lemon juice mixed with honey. This will help in soothing your throat and making sure that you don't feel dehydrated.

Get some rest. You really need to rest enough so that your body gets enough sleep. Overworking while you aren't doing so well, would make your body so much worked out.

Try out ginger. Chop some pieces of ginger and mix them with warm water. Gaggle it so that it may help with soothing your throat.

Vitamin C. It comes along in many forms such as oranges, lime, grape fruits and leafy vegetables. Helps reduce phlegm. You could also try out lemonade. This is will help in relieving the respiratory infections.

Try out warm baths. This helps to decongest your nostrils, for better breathing. Remember that during a cold, you could experience difficulty in breathing because of the blocked nostrils. You could add stuff like orange, rosemary or lavender to your water. That scents helps really much because its soothing effect.

If the symptoms persist, you could visit a health facility for further diagnosis since cold doesn't have to take long to heal.

I really hope that we all keep safe and healthy. 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Home remedies for treating Dandruff


Dandruff is one of the most common problems among men and women. Dandruff is characterized by an itchy feeling which produces white substances. Trust you me, this can be quite worrying and causing discomfort.

Dandruff are quite worrying and cause discomfort. There are home remedies in eliminating them such as applying coconut oil and Aloe Vera. Photo/FILE

Dandruff is caused by a dry scalp, some type of hair products especially those that are sensitive to your skin and the growth of fungus. However, dandruff can be eliminated while at home using the following home remedies.

Use of coconut oil. This oil can be used as a moisturizer thus helping improve skin hydration. This prevents scalp dryness which in return helps reduce dandruff production.

Application of Aloe Vera. This product has been of immense help to all of us in one way or another and especially while at home. It is a product that is easily available. Aloe Vera has been used to produce lotions, skin ointments and other beauty products. Use of aloe will help in reducing the growth of fungi which as mentioned above, causes dandruff. It is advisable to use hair products containing aloe for better results.

Omega 3 fatty acids. These are mainly found in fish and its products such as oil. Nuts and Chia seeds can also serve the same purpose. These products help in keeping our skin healthy. 

Wash your hair more frequently. This aids in making sure that your scalp is moisturized. After the wash, apply hair products that are safe for your skin. To ensure that you choose the best products, engage a dermatologist who will help you in knowing your skin type and the most suitable hair products. 

Avoid scratching. Severe scratch on your scalp using your long nails or sharp objects can cause wounds which can make it even worse. Try to be gentle on your scalp. Try some massage just to let go off the sensation. 

The above steps will help restore your dignity especially when it comes to your hair. Regain that amazing hair, body and scalp. It's about Staying Healthy, Always!

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Keeping your bedroom neat and organized


A clean bedroom means a neat, tidy and organized one. Most of the times, we tend to ignore the fact that our bedroom is part of our house/home and it should be kept as clean and tidy as the other rooms. The notion could be because it is a room that is not exposed to the rest of the people.


A bedroom should be kept clean and well arranged. Photo/COURTESY

It's time we changed that. A clean environment gives one the urge to want to keep on checking in. Anyone could come in and I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want your space to be found in a disorganized state. I want us to look at some of important tips that we can use to change the state of our bedroom.

Firstly, always make your bed. Whenever someone comes into your room, especially that considered private room, the first thing they notice is the bed. Some of us tend to ignore the fact that our beds should be the first thing to be done when you get out of bed. A well-made bed has a certain sense of warmth and attraction. Have some colourful sheets so just to make the bed as good as the sheets.

Keep your clothes arranged. Avoid scattered clothes all over your space. This makes it even harder to know which are clean and which need to be washed. Fold the clothes that need to be folded, hang those that need to be in the hangers. Have a box or a laundry basket for putting your dirty laundry and for easier identification. This makes your bedroom not look like a cloth storage space. This also means that you also arrange your shoes as well. 

Fresh air

Ensure that you do cleaning. Dusting off surfaces will have your bedroom not feeling so dusty and stuffy. Take some time to clean up your drawers, shelves and closets. Have the windows open as well for some fresh air. 

Use the space under bed. This space can be useful in storing the extra stuff that are no longer needed or rarely used. You can use boxes or storage tin for your stuff. 

Arrange your furniture according to the frequency of use. This helps in making sure that you only have around what you need. 

If possible, have bedside drawers or pocket organizers. This will aid in making sure that you closely have the items that you need frequently. 

It's my hope that you find these tips useful to you in making sure that you turn around the face of your bedroom. As always it has been TRENDY and CLASSY!

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

NDINDA: Home remedies for treating stomach ulcers


More often, we tend to have acid in our stomach due to intake of some type of foods. The pain around our stomach walls is as a result of the corrosion due to the acid produced. 

Ingesting some foods lead to production of acid in the stomach corroding its walls hence discomfort in the abdomen. Photo/FILE

In one occasion or another, we've heard someone say that they can't eat spices, tomatoes, kales (Sukuma wiki) or even some fruits such as lemons and oranges. This is because of the end effect they produce. This condition is very common and the main cause is a bacterial infection. Other common causes include stress, smoking, alcohol intake or even some medication. Today, I want us to look at some of the home remedies that can help us maintain the condition.

Use of honey. As discussed earlier in one of our publications, we looked at the benefits of honey. Here it comes in handy once again. Honey aids in healing of wounds and also in prevention of the same.

Cabbage juice. This a very important vegetable. We prepare it in different ways. We could do steamed, as a salad or even make a juice out of it. It is rich in Vitamin C, which helps prevent and heal stomach wounds.

Works magic

Aloe Vera. This a very useful product with a wide range of uses. It can be used for our skin, hair and this time round, we are using it for a quite great purpose. Extract the juice and use it. It works magic.

Garlic. It is mostly used as a food spice. It is advisable to take it raw, at least two cloves for better results. You could also make a paste of garlic and mix it with honey.

Fruits such as bananas can be a very helpful. Bananas contain antibacterial components that aid in Ulcers and acid control. You can take up to three bananas in a day depending on the situation. You can also do a blend or a milkshake of bananas especially for those of us who don't like the fruit really much. 

However, the above suggestions may not be working out for you so well. This means that there will be need to visit a doctor as soon as possible. When you experience blood while vomiting especially during this case you will need a specialist to look at your condition. Blood in your poo or even severe body abdominal pain should be looked into with a lot of seriousness.

 I really hope that you benefit from Stay Healthy column in various ways. Till next time for our next article, be safe and Stay Healthy

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.


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