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NDINDA: Home remedies for treating stomach ulcers


More often, we tend to have acid in our stomach due to intake of some type of foods. The pain around our stomach walls is as a result of the corrosion due to the acid produced. 

Ingesting some foods lead to production of acid in the stomach corroding its walls hence discomfort in the abdomen. Photo/FILE

In one occasion or another, we've heard someone say that they can't eat spices, tomatoes, kales (Sukuma wiki) or even some fruits such as lemons and oranges. This is because of the end effect they produce. This condition is very common and the main cause is a bacterial infection. Other common causes include stress, smoking, alcohol intake or even some medication. Today, I want us to look at some of the home remedies that can help us maintain the condition.

Use of honey. As discussed earlier in one of our publications, we looked at the benefits of honey. Here it comes in handy once again. Honey aids in healing of wounds and also in prevention of the same.

Cabbage juice. This a very important vegetable. We prepare it in different ways. We could do steamed, as a salad or even make a juice out of it. It is rich in Vitamin C, which helps prevent and heal stomach wounds.

Works magic

Aloe Vera. This a very useful product with a wide range of uses. It can be used for our skin, hair and this time round, we are using it for a quite great purpose. Extract the juice and use it. It works magic.

Garlic. It is mostly used as a food spice. It is advisable to take it raw, at least two cloves for better results. You could also make a paste of garlic and mix it with honey.

Fruits such as bananas can be a very helpful. Bananas contain antibacterial components that aid in Ulcers and acid control. You can take up to three bananas in a day depending on the situation. You can also do a blend or a milkshake of bananas especially for those of us who don't like the fruit really much. 

However, the above suggestions may not be working out for you so well. This means that there will be need to visit a doctor as soon as possible. When you experience blood while vomiting especially during this case you will need a specialist to look at your condition. Blood in your poo or even severe body abdominal pain should be looked into with a lot of seriousness.

 I really hope that you benefit from Stay Healthy column in various ways. Till next time for our next article, be safe and Stay Healthy

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.


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