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NDINDA: Relieving a Cough


We are at that particular moment in season when it's so cold. This season comes with so many issues such as coughing, sneezing and endless colds. 

It is once again the cold season of the year and we need to stay warm and fresh. One way of doing so is by fighting coughing. Photo/FILE

A day could start with so much cold and make us end up putting on our sweaters and scarfs all day long. Despite keeping all this warm, we could still end up catching a cold. I want to come through for you and educate you on some ways that could help you relieve a cough.

For starters, make sure you have a warm beverage. This will help in making sure that you curb the cold feeling. The warmth will help in opening up your nostrils and help with the breathing.

Secondly, try a salty water gargle. Mix warm water with salt and stir until the salt dissolves. Let it settle then gargle. You could try this several times in a day. This mixture helps you to lessen a cough since it reduces phlegm and mucus.

Use of honey. Honey has been one of the most important items in our homesteads. Try mixing honey with warm water and add some lemon juice. This mixture will help breaking down the mucus and soothe the throat.

Try out steam inhalation. This will basically involve boiling water and putting it in a basin. Cover yourself and the basin then inhale the steam for between 2-3 minutes. This will help open up your nostrils. Repeat the procedure even twice a day.

Lastly, you also need to avoid environments that have common irritants such as smoke, perfume, pet hair. They accelerate the rate of sneezing and coughing. Try to cover your mouth while coughing to avoid spreading it to others.

We may not be able to evade a cough but we can relieve it. Remember the goal is to always Stay Healthy. 

The writer, FAITH NDINDA is a budding Journalist with passion on Health and Lifestyle matters.

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