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Most downfalls of men are caused by multiple girlfriends. Sex is a spiritual encounter, I stand to be corrected. Not every girl has a good spirit, Some are demons, some are killers and destiny destroyers. 
Sex is undeniably pleasurable but fraught with challenges including those to do with health risks. It requires responsibility since it is a sweet poison, after all.|FILE

Men should remember that not everything they see under skirt that they should hustle "to eat".It is important for them to control their sexual desires.

The notion that men should control their sexual urges is rooted in the idea of personal responsibility, respect for others, and the promotion of healthy relationships and societal norms. While it's essential to recognize that both men and women experience sexual desires, the focus on men controlling their urges often stems from historical and cultural narratives surrounding masculinity and power dynamics.

Advocating for men to control their sexual urges is a call for accountability and respect for boundaries. In any interaction, consent is paramount. Men (and everyone) should understand and respect the boundaries and autonomy of their partners. This involves recognizing cues for consent and understanding that any sexual activity should be mutually desired and consensual.

Additionally, controlling sexual urges can contribute to the prevention of harm, both physical and emotional. Acting impulsively on sexual urges without regard for consequences can lead to regret, harm, and even legal ramifications such as accusations of sexual assault or harassment. Learning to manage and regulate one's impulses is an essential aspect of maturity and emotional intelligence.

The statement "sex is sweet but there is poison between the legs" is a provocative metaphorical expression that encapsulates the complex and often contradictory nature of human sexuality. While it may seem extreme, there are elements of truth to be explored within it.

Firstly, let's dissect the sweetness of sex. Human sexuality is a fundamental aspect of our existence, capable of bringing immense pleasure, intimacy, and connection between individuals. The physical act of sex releases endorphins and other feel-good hormones that can induce feelings of euphoria and relaxation. It can deepen emotional bonds and foster a sense of closeness between partners.

However, alongside this sweetness, there is indeed a metaphorical poison that lurks between the legs. This poison represents the potential risks, dangers, and consequences associated with sex. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a stark reality, with some posing serious health risks if left untreated. Unplanned pregnancies can also result from unprotected sex, leading to significant life changes and responsibilities.

Moreover, the "poison" between the legs symbolizes the potential for emotional turmoil and psychological harm that can accompany sexual encounters. Intimate relationships can be fraught with complexities, including jealousy, betrayal, and heartbreak. Casual sex, while enjoyable for some, can also leave individuals feeling empty or used if not approached without care and respect.

Beyond the physical and emotional risks, there are societal and cultural implications to consider. Throughout history, sex has been a source of power, control, and oppression. It has been used as a tool for exploitation and domination, particularly against marginalized groups such as women and LGBTQ+ individuals. Sex serves as a reminder of the systemic injustices and inequalities that pervade our sexual landscape.

In conclusion, while sex undeniably has its moments of sweetness and pleasure. It would be remiss to ignore the metaphorical poison that accompanies it. This poison represents the risks, dangers, and complexities inherent in human sexuality, from physical health concerns to emotional vulnerabilities and societal pressures. Acknowledging and navigating this duality is essential for fostering healthy, fulfilling sexual experiences and relationships.

By STANLEY MMASI, Student at Chuka University

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