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Inside the shocking rise of murder cases in university campuses: Understanding the trend

In recent years, university campuses have been rocked by a disturbing trend: the rise of murder cases among students and faculty members.What was one considered a safe haven for learning has become a battleground for violence, leaving communities and authorities grappling with the complexities of these tragic incidents.
Harriet Moraa Nyaboga died on January 9, 2024. She was found murdered in Machakos. She was a first year student at Machakos University. Deaths of students while on campus have been on the rise, a matter that has alarmed their parents and guardians.

From domestic disputes turned deadly to random acts of violence, the motives behind these crimes vary, but the impact is consistently devastating.

The brutal killing of a first year Machakos University student shattered the hopes and dreams of a Kisii family. On January 9th 2024, Harriet Moraa Nyaboga was found murdered in Machakos, barely three days after witnessing the burial of her grandfather and bidding bye to her loved ones at home.

Days later Derrick Malumasa, a third year student at Kabarak University was found murdered and his lifeless body dumped near Kampi Ya Moto along the Nakuru-Mogitio road. Although some students have been arrested in connection with murder, justice is yet to be served.

University murder cases not only disrupt normal campus life but also raise broader questions about campus safety protocols, mental health resources and the responsibilities of academic institutions in fostering a culture of support and well-being. In response to such tragedies, many universities have implemented enhanced security measures, expanded mental health services, and instituted mandatory training on recognizing and addressing behavior.

It is always sad and shocking when parents receive devastating news about their young ones whom they had invested their hopes on.

The rise in murder cases on university campuses serves as a sobering reminder of the complex societal issues that intersect within educational institutions.By acknowledging and contributing factors, implementing proactive measures, and fostering a culture of support and prevention, universities can strive to create safer environments where students and faculty members can thrive without fear of violence.

FEATURE ARTICLE By MUTHURI IAN MURIITHI, Student pursuing a BA Degree in Communication Studies at Chuka University
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