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Embracing solitude: The power and beauty of alone time

We live in a world where noise, distractions, and tasks are abundant at every corner; so many times, the 
concept of solitude might slip off the controversial or scary radar to oblivion. It is then that real solitude assumes a powerful, essential realization because, once embraced, it can assuredly result in self actualization, unlocking of creativity, and coming to be calm from inside. So in this article, we will not only delve into the benefits of this elusive little gem that we avoid but the impacts it can have on our mental health and creativity, taken a little further are practical ways to be off the grid at some point during the day.
Practicing mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for embracing solitude in a connected world.

The Essence of Solitude

Thus, solitude is far much more than just being alone, but the consciousness of comfort, clarity, and even rejuvenation. It is inside and out in touch with oneself. Today, in over-connected society, solitude has become a rare and precious commodity passing off as related to being lonely or isolated. Solitude, 
however, is a choice—embracing being alone.

Solitude and Mental Health

An ironic twist of thought is the idea that solitude is one of the cornerstones for bad mental health. The solitude provides "recharging" for our mental batteries that are under regular assault, providing 
constant chronic stress, producing adrenaline and cortisol. It allows for thinking and self-reflection, which can help give people added insight into their thinking, feelings, and values. It is the dress rehearsal for real-life activities as it provides for more preparedness and practice through focused thought and 
consideration. The reasons solitude can provide these things are varied, but some of them do stand out. 

End of the day solitude can lead to independence and appreciating oneself and self-regulation. Psychology research has also aimed at the therapeutic role of solitude. Recent studies have generally 
shown that solitude enhances creativity, ability to solve problems, and emotional control. Solitude also avails one's thoughts with the freedom to drift and traverse different ideas, lay down complex problems, and unleash their creative potential.

Solitude gives mental space within which there would be brainstorming, incubation of ideas, and the ability to find new solutions for the given problems.

Embracing Solitude in a Connected World 

It is in such solitary moments, which have become more and more scarce in today's digital life, at a time when the drawer with which to put a crossword book is 
characterized by never-ending notifications that stand in a queue and pour down a continuous 
information stream onto the person, leaving almost no time for quiet reflections. This time is premised with the aspect that, the other polarity of this finding a niche for loneliness is essential to help in keeping peace of mind and the creative process.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for embracing solitude in a connected world. Spending just a few moments a day in calm, peaceful reflection can develop an inner infrastructure—a baseline of serenity and clarity about life—that stands us in good stead amidst all our activities.

Finally,  other solitudes and opportunities for thought can be created through occasional breaks from technological devices, simply going into nature. Perhaps some things are more nourishing in complete stillness than a walk in the woods—just sitting.

Cultivating a Solitude Practice

Time and again finding a time or a place for some solitude in a day does not have to be that complicated. Quiet time for oneself may be composed of a number of simple activities like journaling, reading, or even doing something creative that promotes self-expression. Thereby, it can be a more easily incurred part of a routine to set controlled times aside for reflection daily or weekly.

Design a space for all things that are holy. This can be in a corner of your living space, or thus a retreat away somewhere in nature, but a place into which you can withdraw for the nurturing of your soul is very important. Focusing your living space by meaningful objects, like books, candles, or art that surrounds you, can give some sort of peace and inspiration for reflection.

Solitude easily sneaks its way as one of the underrated principles in a world that often gets synesthetic with busyness 
and constant stimulation. And yet, it proves to be a very critical tonic to our mental wellness, a great stimulus to creativity, and a most reliable compass towards drawing our most authentic self. And that accepting those little moments of solitude allows us to be able to foster an internal depth and intimacy with themselves that can inspire our creativity and be of a little bit of peace in such chaos. We should not shrink from such solitude but kneel down in it and take that into our arms with all the strength, inspiration, and renewal that it brings to our hearts.

FEATURE ARTICLE By WYCLIFFE MAUTIA, Second Year Student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies at Chuka University

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