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The role of religion in promoting economic growth

Religion has been a fundamental component of human civilization, profoundly influencing nations, societies, and individuals. beyond its philosophical and spiritual components, religion affects many facets of human existence, such as behavior patterns, economic growth, crime rates, personality development, and value systems. This article explores the complex ways in which religion has shaped these essential facets of human existence.
On August 17, 2022, President Dr William Ruto said, "We owe our victory in the just-concluded election to God. We will keep working with religious leaders to better the lives of Kenyans".X|@WilliamsRuto


Personality formation is significantly influenced by religion. It offers a structure for figuring out one's role in the world, establishing moral principles, and identifying values. Religions like Buddhism refers to self-control as "samma vayama," or "right effort." As a core teaching of Buddhism, exercising self-control entails developing discipline, mindfulness, and attention in order to subdue unhealthy mental states like ignorance, aversion, and desire . People who exercise self-control can grow in wisdom, compassion, and inner peace.

On the other hand, obedience discipline and greed  may be ingrained by following the more stringent teachings of some branches of Islam or Christianity. In the Bible, Hebrews 12;11 says that no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

The emphasis on such values such as discipline , self control, obedience and warnings against greed(Ecclesiastes 5:102) would reduce crimes such as theft, robbery, corruption and murder.

Although the argument may be simplified to; By fearing God(a Supreme Being), one resists to kill, steal or actually be corrupt, it is important to plunge into the values taught and emphasized under these religions and their impact when actually practiced.

Do I need to answer to the economic development when corruption is non-existent?

By NANCY JEPKORIR, Journalism and Mass Communication Student at Chuka University

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