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Blessed are the flexible, for change is inevitable. To fulfill our true destiny as spiritual beings we must trust in our divine power to adapt. You start to live when you commit your life to a cause higher than yourself. You must learn to depend on divine power for the fulfillment of a higher calling. 
Pursue your dreams despite the challenges

Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace. Start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results.

When you begin to pursue your dreams, your whole life wakes up, your mind wakes up and everything else begins to have meaning.

Everything we need to fulfill our true destiny always comes to us at the perfect time. But spiritual awareness is required to recognize those gifts and opportunities. Take hold of your passing time and convert it into living your dreams. Only then can you truly fulfill the great destiny that you were called to fulfill. 

A comfort zone will never be the path to fulfilling your true destiny. Playing small does not lead to your true destiny.

Transformation is real. If you're ready to boss up and change your life to fulfill your destiny then nothing will be able to stop you. Change will happen when you awaken the greatness within. 

Your dream is a portal to your destiny. Don't measure your dream by sense or logic. If your dream is making sense, it's not really a dream.

Fulfill your divine mandate, so you don’t follow the enemy’s mandate. I pray for grace, strength and wisdom to faithfully fulfill my calling in due time. 

Success happens when you change not when others change.

Temptations to give up will dissolve once your dream starts pouring its power onto it. We are called by the same voice for different purposes. Your destiny is in two places: one is in your hands and the other is in your dreams.

A nugget prepared by Kelvin Mbiti from Kelma Foundation in Kenya on 26th of March 2024.

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